In a world where indie authors often face countless rejections, one woman dared to dream differently. Andrea Wehlann, a yoga teacher and author, developed an ingenious way to infiltrate the elusive world of bookstores. To dat...
In a world where indie authors often face countless rejections, one woman dared to dream differently. Andrea Wehlann, a yoga teacher and author, developed an ingenious way to infiltrate the elusive world of bookstores. To date, she's held book signings or other book-related events at a whopping ten bookstores — and counting! But it wasn't just her enchanting words or incredible covers that captured the attention of bookstore owners. It was her approach. As we delve into her journey, we uncover the secret behind her success.
"You can have whatever you work for and whatever you dream. Just keep at it and know that you can achieve it."
—Andrea Wehlann
Andrea Wehlann is a three-time author who has used her passion for the yogi lifestyle to fuel her unique approach to promoting her books. Publishing poetry and yoga-inspired work, Andrea decided to take the less beaten path in book promotion by approaching bookstores personally. She masterfully leveraged her love for yoga and spirituality to offer events that appealed to the stores' customer base. In a marketplace swarming with authors, Andrea created her niche by offering unique, value-added experiences.
In this episode you will:
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Andrea’s style is diverse and encompasses eight years as a Classical Yoga student where she participated in the development of The Institute of Classical Yoga and Therapy. For four years Andrea studied and completed her 350hr Hatha Yoga Certification and has four years of Ashtanga practice, with her teacher and mentor Michael Stone. Andrea shares her experience with NLP based meditation, an "Empty your Cup" meditation graduate (a 5yr program), and most recently years of practice and training in Zen, Mindfulness Meditation with all who meet her. Andrea has travelled to Brazil to learn the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu; she is a Usui Reiki Master and most recently a Certified Personal Trainer. Andrea is passionate about creating unique yoga events and offers workshops and classes within the community. She owns and operates Ganga Moon Yoga Studio in Beamsville. Andrea finds her peace in helping others realize their natural state. Author of No Matter How Dark the Stain and Deeper Days.